UYIK-2024 Kongre Kitabı yayınlanmıştır. Kongre kitabına adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz. Tüm katılımcılara kongremize katıldıkları için teşekkür ederiz. UYİK-2025 Kongresinde görüşmek üzere.
UYIK-2024 Congress Book has been published. You can access the congress book at We thank all participants for attending our congress. See you at the UYIK-2025 Congress.
This course goes over data-loading, pre-processing, the usage of various classical machine learning models in Python for both classification and regression. Performance evaluation and hyperparameter selection will be covered along the way.
Exploratory Data Analysis with numpy, matplotlib and pandas
Pre-processing and feature extraction
Linear regression and logistic regression
Performance metrics and performance plots
Model-selection and cross-validation
Tree-ensembles XGBoost, LightGBM, Catboost
Perceptrons and NN versions of linear regression and logistic regression
Course Hours: 2 hours
Course Date:
Course Place:
Course Language: English
Requirements for Participants: To have basic knowledge of Python programming